National Night Out 2011

Tuesday, October 04, 2011 at 6:30 P.M., is National Night Out 2011America’s Night Out Against Crime. Be sure to turn off your TV and go outside to meet, greet, and party down with your neighbors! It is a great chance to enjoy these cool Fall days, that feels so good in Texas. If you haven’t attended a National Night Out before, you should, they are a lot of fun. Most times Fireman and/or Police come out to talk safety to the groups. The children love the Fire Engines!! Entire streets are blocked off, there are BBQ, grilling, kegs, and refreshments for the street of neighbors to enjoy together! So get out there and go be a part of the fun and excitement of the evening!

This is the “28th Annual National Night Out” (NNO), it is a unique crime/drug prevention event sponsored by the National Association of Town Watch (NATW).

If your street does not host an event, then you may like to look into hosting an event for next year, please sign up.

The Comers have hosted the event for several years on Redleaf Lane. And for the past few with the help of our great neighbors, The Bonsers, so if you would like to come to our party, come on by! As the Snedaker’s have moved from Redleaf Lane, they did make way for us in their driveway to use this as the gathering for ice cream. Our driveway was used for the keg of Shiner in the kegerator. An ambulance showed up this year as did the firetruck which made my son and everybody so happy!

We cordially invite you and your community to be a part of our NIGHT OUT 2011 team.

About admin

I live in Austin the capital of Texas and the self proclaimed “Music Capital of the World” with my lovely wife Jenny and our two beautiful children: our son Garrett, and our daughter Grace. We enjoy being together as a family and with other family in the area. We like to try new food and go to our favorite restaurants. We enjoy travel and try to go to an exciting new place every year, as well as visiting existing favorite locations. I also enjoy pursuing passions such as photography. My wife and I love music and listen to Austin musicians and touring bands as much as we are able to now with the little ones. Volunteer work for SXSW and Old Settlers Music Festival. I operate a consulting business, doing freelance business as Matthew Comer and syphonsoft Web Hosting. I have several projects and long-term clients. I perform consulting to the State of Texas as a Catalog Information Systems Vendor (CISV) and can be found on the Centralized Master Bidders List (CMBL) Vendor ID: 1205325509200. I am a business man and aspiring entrepreneur at heart. I operate several small businesses, Freeman Properties Property Management Company as well as other businesses listed on this site. I am currently employed as a contractor with Titan Solutions providing consulting for IBM. I work on a great team in the PartnerWorld Business Partner portal as a part of the IBM Global Technology Services (GTS) with the IBM Global Channel Enablement (CE) division. I started my seventh consecutive year-long contract in December of 2010. I am doing some amazing work on this team. I had built a system in which editors on the team can create and maintain HTML pages using an XML/XSL integrated WebSphere system. This allows the users to create pages much more easily. I enjoy the work, this is the best work of my career. This system is being sunset and we are migrating our systems to various internal CMS systems. I have taken on a new role of Content Manager for my growing team of India resources. I assign tasks and manage schedules on a daily basis. I am not looking for further employment at this point, but I am always open to hearing about other opportunities. If you are an employer or headhunter and know of a great working remotely employment opportunity that may be a really good fit that closely matches my skill-set, then please view my résumé. However, know that I am not actively looking for new employment, nor would I likely accept other employment at this time. If you are interested in hiring me as an independent consultant, contractor, web developer/designer to develop your website; or to redevelop and rethink your website, as my specialty is redeveloping and maintaining existing sites, then please contact me.